That awkward moment when somebody from my school heard about this blog that wasn’t supposed to be shown to them. This is for the world, for somebody out there who I know is as lost as I am and that we can somehow connect with our emotions and how we feel, this isn’t for someone who thinks that what I write is for psychologically ill persons and that I should be glad because there are kids in Africa who are dying of hunger and stuff (yes, somebody did tell me this and it was the most awkward and horrible moment of my life, so if you have gone through something similar, don’t worry, here I am).
In spite of that, school has been a nightmare. If Freddie Kruger could assault you in your dreams, school could as well, but in your dreams and your daily life. It’s like a never ending spiral of homework, work, pressure, exams, essays, investigations that never touches the bottom. And besides that, I have extra workload with theater, social service and piano classes that are all pulling my strings and squeezing my guts until there is no more energy left.
God, that sounded pretty awful, but in some way it is true, with a little bit of exaggeration. Now I just wish I can be finally in an endless sleep like Juliette with my Romeo by my side, completely ignorant about the weigh of the world on my shoulders.
Worst of all is that I somehow know that Instagram and social networks aren’t doing any good to my life, they are actually damaging it more, but it’s like a drug that you just can’t quit because you are scared that afterwards you’ll be left with nothing. Inside I know that I’ll have much more to give to the world, but fear is holding me back.